Skialp avalanche course

Experience 2.5 days in the backcountry, packed with everything you need to know about ski mountaineering and avalanche issues. During the course, we’ll take a theoretical and practical look at avalanches and talk about their specifics in different mountain ranges in Europe and around the world.

I have gained my experience while skiing in countries like Japan, Peru, Alaska, Iran, Turkey, Georgia, Russia, Norway and alpine regions. And it is this knowledge that I will pass on to you during the course.

We will go on real tours, where we will practice working with avalanche equipment. In the evening you will have a lecture on avalanche issues, skiing and prevention, and if you want, you can try your hand at an avalanche backpack.

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Skialp avalanche course program:

  • 1. Day skialp avalanche course (Friday). Meeting 16:00 at the accommodation. After dinner lecture on avalanche issues at the accommodation.
  • 2. Day skialp avalanche course (Saturday). Tour according to current conditions. Practicing avalanche problems in practice. In the evening test firing of the avalanche pack. Screening of skialp films from different mountains of the world in the hut.
  • 3. Day skialp avalanche course (Sunday). Hike according to current conditions. Practicing avalanche problems in practice. Completion of the course.

Locations of the skialp avalanche course:

Accommodation and food:

  • accommodation on the skialp avalanche course will be shared
  • accommodation will be booked according to the preferences of the participants and payment will be made on the spot
  • before the course I will send an email with instructions and the program


  • ascent and descent in backcountry terrain
  • freeride skiing technique
  • orientation and navigation
  • origin and types of avalanches
  • factors influencing avalanche formation
  • types of snow and its effect on avalanches
  • avalanche forecast monitoring
  • avalanche equipment and its use, beacon, shovel, probe, electronic probe, avalanche airbag
  • launching the avalanche airbag and explanation of its functionality
  • companion rescue (mutual help in the event of avalanche in the field)
  • organisation of rescue, search for the buried person(s) using avalanche equipment, probe the buried person, digging out the buried person, first aid
  • basics of safe movement in avalanche terrain and risk minimization
  • snow profile
  • compression test to estimate the avalanche hazard level


  • screening of my films from expeditions around the world
  • avalanche backpack launching
  • each participant can try the backpack launch


  • ability to ascend and descend on skialp skis in backcountry
  • good physical condition and good health

Equipment needed:

Skialp avalanche course price includes:

  • guiding with a UIAGM mountain guide (the mountain guide has third party insurance and a valid UIAGM membership)
  • issuing a certificate of completion of the course with a UIAGM mountain guide
  • avalanche backpack launching
  • 6 clients per guide
  • interesting lectures and film screenings
  • photos from the course
  • the price is for 1 person
  • good mood and individual approach of the guide:)

Not included:

  • individual transport
  • shared accommodation
  • food
  • compulsory individual mountain insurance